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WIDA Courses
Wida Courses and Study Guides to help you pass WIDA Grade Exams
CLRG Courses
CLRG Courses and Study Guides to help you pass CLRG Grade Exams
CRN Courses
CRN Courses and Study Guides to help you pass CRN Grade Exams
RTN Courses
RTN Courses and Study Guides to help you pass RTN Grade Exams
OPIDF Courses
OPIDF Courses and Study Guides to help you pass OPIDF Grade Exams
CRDM Courses
CRDM Courses and Study Guides to help you pass CRDM Grade Exams
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There are many advantages of choosing one of our courses, some of which are highlighted below:
- Better Success Rate at Competitions.
- Better Practice and Hence Better Results.
- Easy to Use, Step-By-Step Guided Course Design.
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Success Stories from Dancers, Teachers & Parents
I am impressed with the ease and content. Helped me pass my grade exams quickly. Wull enrol for more courses as and when needed.

Lisa McCartney
Wida Dancer
Excellet website. Well thought guys. You guys are celever arent you? Its soooo much easier for dancers and parents to find all teh grades courses from all the organisations in one place.

Steve Murphy
CRN Parent
I had never seen anything like this. I am glad the Dance Organisations are taking things to a whole different level now. Kudos!!

Fraser O'Neil